We at the Impression Makers Printing and iMakPrint.com are continually updating and are using the most efficient state of the art equipment, which allows us to provide our clients with high-quality products, incredibly fast turnarounds, at extremely competitive prices.
We realize that most people could care less about what models of equipment we use, so long as they receive what they ordered. Still, we can't help being proud of our toys. Once you see how great they make you look, we hope you'll be proud of them, too.
Chuck Kerns and his gang take excellent care
of the equipment on the Gray Floor area.
Design and Pre-Press Output
Heidelberg Printnec Work Flow System
Our PDF front end Work Horse
Handles virtually any PS,
EPS, PDF system and configures
a Post Ripped file to output on
any proofing system, insuring
total color quality from proof to press.
Macintosh and IBM based PDF workflow
Our Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop,
InDesign, Publisher, Word, GoLive,
and Acrobat files are output to
our Heidelberg Direct to plate
system as PDF's.We can convert files
to pdf from both Mac or IBM platforms.
Large Format / Posters & Banners - Copies
Cannon Black and White High Speed Copier
Black and white toner based,
collating bin, automatic stapling,
high spped copier for "budget" quality
copies. -
Canon Color Copier 800S
Hardworking and easy to operate,
the Canon 800S shows that a limited budget
is no reason to do without performance
and reliability. The 800S produces 35 crisp,
clear copies per minute along with auto
density for consistently high quality.
It also boasts an 80 sheet bypass tray
and eight preset, as well as variable,
reduction/enlargement capabilities from
49% - 204% for originals and copies
ranging in size from 8.5" x 5.5" to
11" x 17", even bound originals and
sheet weights up to 32 lbs. -
Epson Pro 9880 Large Format
Our large format Printer,
six color, prints on Vinyl,
Acetate and Paper.Up to 44" wide by any length.
Epson Stylus Pro 7600
For High Quality Color Posters up to 24" Wide,
on practically any material from Vinyl
to Photo Quality Paper.
Presses (Ink on Paper - NO toner)
HP Indigo 5000
HP Digital press, with variable data,
and variable images produces
stunning, crisp, full color printing
both fast and cost effectively.Ink on paper!
Heidelberg 2 color PrintMaster 52
14.5 x 20.5
2 color printing at
13,000 sheets an hour.
Heidelberg 6 Color SpeedMaster 52
14.5 x 20.5
6 color SpeedMaster, running
15,000 impressions an hour. -
Heidelberg QM2, 2 color
This is our 2/color envelope press.
Pictured is J. Gonzales, of Calif. who
refurbished the press for us and set it
up for envelope printing.
Bindery and Finishing
Baumfolder 18x23-inch Right Angle
The Baum 18x23-inch right angle folder
combines all the rugged reliability you
would expect from a piece of equipment with
the ease of operation of a twist knob. It
can easily handle coated stocks as well
as high-speed copier and laser-printed
stocks--up to 18" x 23". Its easy setup
and variable feed speeds ensure an
accurate execution of any job. -
Business Card Slitter
We love doing Business Cards!
20 up Business Cards, makes the jobs scream
through the shop.We love doing Business Cards!
Challenge 3-head Paper Drill
The Challenge three-hole drill makes it
easy to prepare presentations, manuals or
reports for use in three-ring binders.
This machine makes it possible to drill
clean, consistent holes varying from 1/8"
to over 1/2" in diameter in virtually any
position on a page. The Baum drill can also
handle a variety of stock sizes and
thicknesses, including as many as 250
sheets at a time.
Digital Press Sheet Creaser
To facilitate the folding of
Digital Papers, this machine
is a must to eliminate cracks
on the score line.
Horizon SaddleStitcher
Impression Makers-iMakPrint.com
has installed a Horizon Stitchliner 80 page
which combines flat sheet collation,
folding, saddle stitching and three
knife trimming in one centrally controlled system for high speed, quality book,
magazine, calendar and newsletter production speeding entire process
to a matter of 1 or 2 days after press.
Perfect Binding Press
For the short run perfect binding
projects, we offer both soft and
hard cover binding
in house.Hot glue binding.
Preferred Semi-Automatic Shrinkwrapper
The Preferred shrink wrapper system
is semi-automatic and handles even the
largest job efficiently. The system has
an adjustable conveyor that allows for
easy unloading of finished packages.
Saber Cutter & Champion Cutter
Our New 37 Inch Saber coupled
with our 30.5" Champion gets us
from prepress to post press in record time.
UV Coater
One or two sided UV coating in shop.
We UV coat practically all our
business cards, and it works great
on postcards, both sides, so the
Post Office equipment can't damage
the printed image on the cards.Wonderful on magazine covers and sell
sheets that you want to look rich and colorful.High Gloss, Low Finger Print Gloss, and Matte Gloss are available
Wiro Binding makes it possible to neatly
bind manuals, presentations and reports
in several wire colors and sizes, up to
2" thick. This machine can accurately
bind a variety of stocks, including cardstock,
acetate and vinyl covers, to lend a clean,
professional appearance to any job.